Backyard Adventures?

Well I have been debating whether or not to post this, as it is not fully complete yet. However, seeing as I have several Not Complete projects jammed up in the line, something needs to be done. Therefore we present to you a backyard makeover…

…sort of.

We began this project a few weeks ago. And this weekend will see the complete of it. Finally! I am very excited because up until this future weekend our backyard has/is a dirt pit.

Like so.

Since I took this picture, it has rained…and rained…and rained…

and rained.

So now it is a dirt/mud pit with a stream down the middle. More on that another time.

Now I am very grateful that it rained so much. Everyone knows Texas needs it. But it has made for a very slow Complete The Backyard project. But the wait is over. This Friday the grass will be dropped off, and early Saturday Morning we have Eco Irrigation coming to complete the sprinkler system. Once that is done we will be laying the sod down like nobody’s business. Should be quite the eventful day.

However we did do a little baby project while we were waiting. Which I will partially share with you, as it is partially finished.

We have a fence that is not as private as one would like, therefore a shrubbery was called for!

Hehe, sorry I couldn’t help it. :-)

Moving on. So we outlined the future home for the shrubbery like so.

We then consented the HOA manual to see what type of edging we could get away with.

We went with the classic Shovel Cut.

A full disclosure, I had never heard of a Shovel Cut until that moment.

Then it was time to grab all the “stuff” we would need with our handy dandy Wheel Barrow.

We chose a blooming type shrubbery that had one VERY special quality.

Yep Deer don’t like, so The Smithocracy LOVES it! :-)

We had to get some special permission to use a Camellia as it was not on the HOA approved planting list. It was pretty simple to get the permission, though, so no complaints there.

We lined them up and stuck them in the ground.

The rest will have to be “To be Continued” after this weekend!

Meanwhile we also got rid of these nasties.

Yuck, I hate cactus.

So wish us luck and hopefully I will get to show you something beautiful next week!  Also I know I promised a Daybed. Which is built btw. However, it still needs paint and it has proven a little more difficult then anticipated. But it does look fabulous so far!!!


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